Historia, situación actual y nuevas tecnologías de la radio, la televisión y las telecomunicaciones en México. Blog de Gabriel Sosa Plata, Profesor e Investigador de la UAM Xochimilco
miércoles, 20 de febrero de 2008
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Saludos....Les dejo una nota acerca de Obama y Clinton, y les hago un comentario en torno a la cobertura politica de Mexico. Ambos, Clinton y Obama, como he comprobado previamente, se ubican MUY a la izquierda de incluso Ebrard y AMLO. En lo economico y social, ni hablar. Hay derechistas que ya empezaron a calificar a Obama de messianico, y sus seguidores de borregos. Ahora, hay que preguntarnos, porque la prensa (TV abierta) en EEUU los sigue apoyando? Porque la prensa en EEUU, en mayor parte, fueron a las mismas escuelas que Obama y Clinton. Y este hecho tiene mucho que ver con Mexico. En Mexico, por razones que todavia no entiendo muy bien, la prensa se ubica muy a la Derecha de sus homologs en EEUU. El Director General de TimeWarner, Jeff Bewkes, no comparta nada, en lo politico, con alguien como Azcarraga. Los reporteros del New York Times se burlarian del Fundamentalismo de los reporteros de Reforma. Todo tiene que ver con la educacion. .......... En EEUU, los egresados de las universidades elite suelen pertencer a la CentroIzqueirda. A pesar que perciben sueldos millonarios, no les importa pagar mucho en impuestos. Reconocen que, sin un Estado Benefactor, no hay sociedad. En Mexico, te ensenan todo lo contrario. ................ No estoy diciendo que el PRD no podra ganar en Mexico. De hecho, solo un Fundamentalista Reaccionario no admitiria que, si no fuera por el fraude, AMLO actualmente seria Presidente. Lo que estoy diciendo es que, para ganar, un PRDista tendra que superar la ventaja intrinsica que le da la TV abierta a la Derecha. En EEUU, esto no sucede. Un candidato como AMLO seria elogiado en la TV abierta en EEUU, como actualmente sucede con Obama.
Cosas de la vida.
p.d. Reconozco que Hanson es un catedratico en Hoover, que se ubica en Stanford. Nunca he dicho que todos que se egresan de estas instituciones son CentroIzquierdistas. Pero, un 70% si lo son.
The rhetoric of Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton about the sad state of America is reminiscent of the suspect populism of John Edwards, the millionaire lawyer who recently dropped out of the Democratic presidential race.
Barack Obama may have gone to exclusive private schools. He and his wife may both be lawyers who between them have earned four expensive Ivy League degrees. They may make about a million dollars a year, live in an expensive home and send their kids to prep school. But they are still apparently first-hand witnesses to how the American dream has gone sour. Two other Ivy League lawyers, Hillary and Bill, are multimillionaires who have found America to be a land of riches beyond most people's imaginations. But Hillary also talks of the tragic lost dream of America.
In these gloom-and-doom narratives by the well off, we less fortunate Americans are doing almost everything right, but still are not living as well as we deserve to be. And the common culprit is a government that is not doing enough good for us, and corporations that do too much bad to us.
In the new pessimistic indictment, the home mortgage meltdown has not occurred because too many speculative buyers were hoping to flip houses for quick profits. It had nothing to do with misguided attempts of government and lending institutions to put first-time buyers in homes through zero-down payments, interest-only loans, and subprime but adjustable mortgage rates - as part of liberal efforts to increase home ownership rates.
And there apparently are few Americans who unwisely borrowed against their homes a second and third time to remodel or purchase big-ticket consumer items - on the belief that their equity would always be rising faster than their debts. Nor are we to look at this downturn as part of a historical boom-and-bust cycle in the housing industry - the present low prices and non-performing loans the natural counter-response to the overpriced real estate of the last five years.
Likewise, students are failing to graduate from college because there are too few government-guaranteed student loans. We don't hear that thousands enter public universities without basic reading and mathematical skills - or that their college problems might in part be the fault of their own misplaced priorities in high school, and in part the fault of an educational system that is mostly therapeutic, offering fluffy courses and self-esteem training rather than rigorous math, science, literature and history classes. Nor is there ever mention of teachers' unions, the system of tenure, or a vapid, politically correct curriculum, as explanations why our students are not competitive in the global marketplace.
We also hear that oil prices are sky high and our own automobile industry is failing due to windfall profits and corporate greed, but there's no discussion of the fact that oil-rich autocracies like Russia, Venezuela and the Gulf monarchies have obtained a stranglehold on the global petroleum supply.
For Hillary and Barack, our automobile manufacturing crisis is not the result of uniquely lavish union health and retirement packages for American autoworkers. The government is somehow mostly to blame for Detroit's meltdown and the energy crisis, not Americans' own tastes in the 1990s for large gas-guzzlers and big homes, and their concurrent opposition to nuclear power plants, oil drilling off the coasts and in Alaska, and conservation of resources.
Wal-Mart, free trade and our debt to China also come in for blame. Neither Obama nor Clinton suggests that the middle classes of America have more purchasing power and have accumulated more consumer goods than any people in history. In reality, our acquisitiveness is a result not of corporate greed, but of our fondness for shopping at discounted warehouse mega-stores, whose goods are the result of hard work of hundreds of millions of low-paid Chinese. They not only toil long hours to make our cheap televisions and stereos, but their government lends us the money at low interest - through massive buying of U.S. government bonds - to buy their stuff in the first place.
To the extent that we have any social and legal problems from unchecked illegal immigration, it has nothing to do with the cynicism and corruption of the Mexican government that deliberately exports, exploits and profits off its own people. The problem is not the fondness for low-paid, off-the-books illegal labor among the upper-middle classes, nor the disdain for the law of illegal immigrants themselves, who crowd to the front of the immigration line. Instead, America's xenophobia, blame-casting and insensitive government have made it needlessly rough on 11 million arrivals who otherwise did us a favor by coming.
As Sens. Obama and Clinton try to outdo each other in blaming government for our lack of individual responsibility and promising solutions by raising taxes to give us more government, they offer little change and less hope. Victor Davis Hanson is a classicist and historian at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, and author, most recently, of "A War Like No Other: How the Athenians and Spartans Fought the Peloponnesian War." You can reach him by e-mailing author@victorhanson.com.
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Thanks for sharing this link, but unfortunately it seems to be down... Does anybody have a mirror or another source? Please answer to my post if you do!
I would appreciate if a staff member here at radiomexicana.blogspot.com could post it.
Thanks for sharing the link, but unfortunately it seems to be offline... Does anybody have a mirror or another source? Please answer to my post if you do!
I would appreciate if a staff member here at radiomexicana.blogspot.com could post it.
Thanks for sharing the link, but unfortunately it seems to be offline... Does anybody have a mirror or another source? Please answer to my post if you do!
I would appreciate if someone here at radiomexicana.blogspot.com could post it.
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27 comentarios:
Saludos....Les dejo una nota acerca de Obama y Clinton, y les hago un comentario en torno a la cobertura politica de Mexico. Ambos, Clinton y Obama, como he comprobado previamente, se ubican MUY a la izquierda de incluso Ebrard y AMLO. En lo economico y social, ni hablar. Hay derechistas que ya empezaron a calificar a Obama de messianico, y sus seguidores de borregos. Ahora, hay que preguntarnos, porque la prensa (TV abierta) en EEUU los sigue apoyando? Porque la prensa en EEUU, en mayor parte, fueron a las mismas escuelas que Obama y Clinton. Y este hecho tiene mucho que ver con Mexico. En Mexico, por razones que todavia no entiendo muy bien, la prensa se ubica muy a la Derecha de sus homologs en EEUU. El Director General de TimeWarner, Jeff Bewkes, no comparta nada, en lo politico, con alguien como Azcarraga. Los reporteros del New York Times se burlarian del Fundamentalismo de los reporteros de Reforma. Todo tiene que ver con la educacion.
En EEUU, los egresados de las universidades elite suelen pertencer a la CentroIzqueirda. A pesar que perciben sueldos millonarios, no les importa pagar mucho en impuestos. Reconocen que, sin un Estado Benefactor, no hay sociedad. En Mexico, te ensenan todo lo contrario.
No estoy diciendo que el PRD no podra ganar en Mexico. De hecho, solo un Fundamentalista Reaccionario no admitiria que, si no fuera por el fraude, AMLO actualmente seria Presidente. Lo que estoy diciendo es que, para ganar, un PRDista tendra que superar la ventaja intrinsica que le da la TV abierta a la Derecha. En EEUU, esto no sucede. Un candidato como AMLO seria elogiado en la TV abierta en EEUU, como actualmente sucede con Obama.
Cosas de la vida.
p.d. Reconozco que Hanson es un catedratico en Hoover, que se ubica en Stanford. Nunca he dicho que todos que se egresan de estas instituciones son CentroIzquierdistas. Pero, un 70% si lo son.
Ivy League Populism
By Victor Davis Hanson
The rhetoric of Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton about the sad state of America is reminiscent of the suspect populism of John Edwards, the millionaire lawyer who recently dropped out of the Democratic presidential race.
Barack Obama may have gone to exclusive private schools. He and his wife may both be lawyers who between them have earned four expensive Ivy League degrees. They may make about a million dollars a year, live in an expensive home and send their kids to prep school. But they are still apparently first-hand witnesses to how the American dream has gone sour. Two other Ivy League lawyers, Hillary and Bill, are multimillionaires who have found America to be a land of riches beyond most people's imaginations. But Hillary also talks of the tragic lost dream of America.
In these gloom-and-doom narratives by the well off, we less fortunate Americans are doing almost everything right, but still are not living as well as we deserve to be. And the common culprit is a government that is not doing enough good for us, and corporations that do too much bad to us.
In the new pessimistic indictment, the home mortgage meltdown has not occurred because too many speculative buyers were hoping to flip houses for quick profits. It had nothing to do with misguided attempts of government and lending institutions to put first-time buyers in homes through zero-down payments, interest-only loans, and subprime but adjustable mortgage rates - as part of liberal efforts to increase home ownership rates.
And there apparently are few Americans who unwisely borrowed against their homes a second and third time to remodel or purchase big-ticket consumer items - on the belief that their equity would always be rising faster than their debts. Nor are we to look at this downturn as part of a historical boom-and-bust cycle in the housing industry - the present low prices and non-performing loans the natural counter-response to the overpriced real estate of the last five years.
Likewise, students are failing to graduate from college because there are too few government-guaranteed student loans. We don't hear that thousands enter public universities without basic reading and mathematical skills - or that their college problems might in part be the fault of their own misplaced priorities in high school, and in part the fault of an educational system that is mostly therapeutic, offering fluffy courses and self-esteem training rather than rigorous math, science, literature and history classes. Nor is there ever mention of teachers' unions, the system of tenure, or a vapid, politically correct curriculum, as explanations why our students are not competitive in the global marketplace.
We also hear that oil prices are sky high and our own automobile industry is failing due to windfall profits and corporate greed, but there's no discussion of the fact that oil-rich autocracies like Russia, Venezuela and the Gulf monarchies have obtained a stranglehold on the global petroleum supply.
For Hillary and Barack, our automobile manufacturing crisis is not the result of uniquely lavish union health and retirement packages for American autoworkers. The government is somehow mostly to blame for Detroit's meltdown and the energy crisis, not Americans' own tastes in the 1990s for large gas-guzzlers and big homes, and their concurrent opposition to nuclear power plants, oil drilling off the coasts and in Alaska, and conservation of resources.
Wal-Mart, free trade and our debt to China also come in for blame. Neither Obama nor Clinton suggests that the middle classes of America have more purchasing power and have accumulated more consumer goods than any people in history. In reality, our acquisitiveness is a result not of corporate greed, but of our fondness for shopping at discounted warehouse mega-stores, whose goods are the result of hard work of hundreds of millions of low-paid Chinese. They not only toil long hours to make our cheap televisions and stereos, but their government lends us the money at low interest - through massive buying of U.S. government bonds - to buy their stuff in the first place.
To the extent that we have any social and legal problems from unchecked illegal immigration, it has nothing to do with the cynicism and corruption of the Mexican government that deliberately exports, exploits and profits off its own people. The problem is not the fondness for low-paid, off-the-books illegal labor among the upper-middle classes, nor the disdain for the law of illegal immigrants themselves, who crowd to the front of the immigration line. Instead, America's xenophobia, blame-casting and insensitive government have made it needlessly rough on 11 million arrivals who otherwise did us a favor by coming.
As Sens. Obama and Clinton try to outdo each other in blaming government for our lack of individual responsibility and promising solutions by raising taxes to give us more government, they offer little change and less hope.
Victor Davis Hanson is a classicist and historian at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, and author, most recently, of "A War Like No Other: How the Athenians and Spartans Fought the Peloponnesian War." You can reach him by e-mailing author@victorhanson.com.
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Thanks for sharing this link, but unfortunately it seems to be down... Does anybody have a mirror or another source? Please answer to my post if you do!
I would appreciate if a staff member here at radiomexicana.blogspot.com could post it.
Cool website, I hadn't come across radiomexicana.blogspot.com earlier in my searches!
Carry on the fantastic work!
Thanks for sharing the link, but unfortunately it seems to be offline... Does anybody have a mirror or another source? Please answer to my post if you do!
I would appreciate if a staff member here at radiomexicana.blogspot.com could post it.
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Thanks for sharing the link, but unfortunately it seems to be offline... Does anybody have a mirror or another source? Please answer to my post if you do!
I would appreciate if someone here at radiomexicana.blogspot.com could post it.
I have a question for the webmaster/admin here at radiomexicana.blogspot.com.
Can I use some of the information from your post above if I provide a backlink back to your website?
I have a message for the webmaster/admin here at radiomexicana.blogspot.com.
Can I use some of the information from your post above if I provide a backlink back to your site?
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